Our illustrious group sat around on our collective butts waiting for Samson to finish his schooling. It wasn't even a "real" school, just some gladiatorial arena with a few classrooms attached. He learned some sort of fighting style involving axes.
Once he was done I think everybody was ready to go. We had met an Elven lass by the name of Ellie who convinced us to head off to some place called Tharp. The Tharponians (I honestly don't know what the call themselves....sounds good enough to me!) have a need for adventurers and we were adventurers in need of coinage. I have a feeling I'm the richest of the group right now, even though I tithe regularly. I think the others have been spending all of their cash since I've noticed they have shiny new "stuff". I'm not jealous as I was able to pick up a new suit of much-needed armor.
We get underway and after quite a bit of traveling (how long is a league again?) we notice an explosion coming from over the next hill. Thinking someone might be in trouble, we rush over the hill to find some guy in a white robe being attacked by 6 large brutish creatures. Samson throws his new axe, nearly felling one of the foul beasts. The man in white looks bad off so I start casting a Heal spell. Several beasties take notice of us and break off from the group. Ginsu, our resident Samurai, keeps me company on my right, firing his weird bow from his mount while Samson has my left flank. Jorlan simply disappears and Ellie cowers behind Samson.
Before my spell can get off I'm attacked by a brute, who misses, and my target is knocked out by another enemy combatant. Jorlan appears out of nowhere to try to stab one in the back. Samson has his axe back some how and just gets medieval on these things. Ginsu races back and forth some to combat which ever set of enemy "things" looks to be doing the most damage. It takes me far to long to ready my morning star, but I get in a good blow to finish the last one off.
Our rescued friend seems to be a magic-user of sorts named Edward who is glad that we managed to save him. He offers us a job back in Tharp and is quite surprised when we so quickly accept his offer.....or at least the offer to accompany him back to the Tharponians. He asks why we willing to go to Tharp and I honestly answer, "We can always leave if we don't like it!"
Edwards home is a Keep being built on the West end of Tharp, so we don't get to see the place quite yet. He has a wife by the name of Starfire waiting for him and boy is she pissed! It's obvious she wears the pants in that family. Evidently Eddie thought a good test for potential adventurer hires was to let them "rescue" him from the Bugbears. The creatures are called Bugbears. I always thought those magic-user types were supposed to be smart?
The couple invites us to dinner and promises that we can discuss the business offer after dinner. We get a couple of rooms.....which takes some effort to figure out bunking arrangements since I didn't want to sleep alone in a strange place, and some of us clean up for dinner. Jorlan takes a bath (Is it Pin'Mar already?), which is surprising since he pretty much pigs-out at dinner. I got pie.
Right now the whole job seems to be to look after the keep and back-up the Tharponian Militia while doofus and Moonbeam take off on some mission for their lord. The pay seems good enough and we might get some discounts at the local kobar. I asked about the local religion and was told that most of the Tharponians follow St Cuthbert, Lathander, and Pangrus (a Gnome Gawd). There's only one physical church in town (to Pangrus) and the local inn had been burned down to the ground by some militiaman's kid (may have been the Captain of the Guard's son...). Evidently the tower has a small chapel and they said I could use it to run services for Tharponian Lathanderites.......SOLD!
We are getting set to check out the town before we have to give them our formal agreement in the morning.
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