We stopped off at a small berg named Nulb for the night and got rooms at an inn. In the middle of the night I was called away by an unknown force and found myself in a small town with a bunch of strangers. The gawds seemed to have gathered up a group to stop someone who was poisoning the locals. My details are fuzzy, but I really remember following a trail into the woods and coming up on a campsite. Before I knew it I took two arrows to the groin, one of which was quite severe [a level 8 crit!]. The rest of the group wades into battle while I'm writhing on the ground in pain, trying to protect "my boys" from further damage. I
managed to draw up my shield to cover myself as much as I could. One of my party members managed to take out the archer, which was fortunate because a huge half-ogre came rushing at me. I was quicker than he was, and one well-timed Befriend spell later, and he wasn't so keen on attacking me. With the nearest threat overcome, I could tell there was some combat and spell-slinging going on around the campfire. I did what I could and once my compatriots finished the battle I healed everyone the best I could.

I recall talking to some dude and then proceding to an arena of some type. The battle we had there was the fierced I've seen. Some of our enemy was invisible and we came darned close to losing. If not for the Pixie Sprite in our group, and lots of healing from Lathander, we'd have been toast. It was very, very rough. In the end I managed to snag some extra Platinum Pieces....freely offerred by one of my party for healing him back up from near death for the fourth or fith time. I also got a nice dagger, an awesome shield [Actually a SNI from the online chapter when it was in full swing], and some magical armor.

Coming back to Nulb was a bit of a shock, but a relief. Getting back up in the morning Ellie, Ginsu, and I noticed Jorlan wasn't around. We left Samson in his room and went adventuring about the town. Lathander had blessed me with a Continual Light spell and I wanted to cast it into a locket so I'd always have a handy light source. Unfortunately it seemed like there were no metalsmiths in this place. We wandered over to a warehouse-looking place that was also a tavern of sorts. Jorlan was inside eating away.....as usual. While Ginsu and Ellie sat down I went to the bar and ordered drinks. I asked the bartender if she knew anyplace in town that sold lockets and she said they had no jewler, but she knew a guy who sold some jewelry. A bit later some traveling salesman dude (pretty fricken big guy) had three lockets for me to look at, and I purchased the best looking of the three.
After that was done and we drank out watered-down beer, Jorlan says he had a meeting with Mother Screng. I had no idea he was from Nulb and I asked how his mother was doing. He seemed reluctant to talk about her, and I had to practically force him to invite her to dinner with us that night. I inquired about the best eatery in the town and was told we were in it, so I told the barkeep I wanted a nice dinner for six at sundown. My top-end for the affair was 5 Platinum Pieces. With everything set, we went back to the inn to gather up Samson and head off to check on the evil temple. While he was gathering up his stuff I asked where Jorlan's mother lived and he finally admitted that the lady wasn't his mother, but her name was "Mother". The locals verified this, much to my chagrin......
Oh well, Mother Screng's house was just down the street...and I already made the arrangements, so I went over and introduced myself and invite her to dinner. That being taken care of, we set off for the temple. After four hours or so we don't find anything and we have to head back to make our dinner date. We get into town around sunset and head straight for the tavern. A table has been all made up and we all take our seat.......well almost all. Jorlan decides to sit at the bar next to some random guy. Samson is called away to help the guy who sold me the locket and soon most of the rest of the patrons belly up to the bar for a drink.
The guy next to Jorlan starts accusing him of trying to steal a necklace from the barkeep. The guys at the bar quickly surround Jorlan and brandish daggers. Ginsu tells the group to back away from Jorlan, who immediately turns invisible. The group moves towards Ginsu and I quickly cast a Command spell on the lead instigator, telling him to "Forgive". As the guy is being very, very apologetic to me, his henchmen surround Ginsu. He tries to disarm one, missing, and then fells the guy in a single blow. This makes everybody back off a bit. Since Jorlan isn't anywhere to be found, and Ginzu is more trouble than they expected, the mob decided caution is the better part of valor and they make for the door. As a show of good faith (pun intended) I was able to bring the downed thug from the brink of death. I told him he should think about Lathander's blessings and reflect on his thuggery ways. The idiot didn't know about Lathander....I might have to work on cleaning up this place some.
After the "excitement" Mother Screng and her daughter join us for a lovely dinner. Jorlan does the right thing and apologizes for trying to steal the locket (he does a lousy job of apologizing) and the rest of the evening is spent eating and enjoying each other's company. Mother Screng tells us to stop by in the morning because she has some useful supplies for our trip.
After another night in the inn we stop by her place and she gives me some sort of healing salve containing 5 doses. She says its good for poison or disease and while she gave us one salve, she has more we could purchase if needed.
After about 6 hours on the trail South of Nulb we find the evil temple. The trail entrance leading up to the temple is marked with a couple of dead, beardless Dwarves. Jorlan scouts up ahead and we have not only the temple to contend with but a small tower too. Jorlan notices "something" is in the tower, so we'll probably need to tackle that first.
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